If your disabled employee needs help or assistance at their worksite, you can apply for funds for the aforementioned help or assistance.
Employment of assistants to disabled people
If you hire a disabled person and notice that it is hard for them to perform some tasks, you can help them by employing an assistant. Costs of such an assistant shall be further reimbursed.
Type of support
To be reimbursed by PFRON for the costs of employment of assistants to disabled persons at work, you have to file the respective application first. Such an assistant can help with:
- Actions which make it easier for a disabled employee to communicate with other people,
- Actions which are impossible or difficult for a disabled person at work.
Support amount
The amount reimbursed per month corresponds to a product of the lowest remuneration and quotient of the number of hours in a given month spent exclusively on the assistance to a disabled employee and the monthly number of hours worked by the disabled person in a given month. The number of hours spent exclusively on the assistance to a disabled employee cannot exceed the number of hours equivalent to 20% of the number of hours worked by that employee in a given month. The reimbursement also includes costs of trainings of all the employees assisting a disabled person at work (up to 100% of the training costs, no more, however, than the amount of the lowest remuneration).